Monday, August 29, 2016

Gimmicky beauty products and trends that need to die!

Top trends and gimmicky products!

First trend and possibly worst and most dangerous is the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge! It bursts the blood vessels in your lips, causes bruising, sometimes bleeding, pain, and long term swelling, wrinkles and possible permanent damage. This is dangerous and stupid and hopefully will be phased out very soon! It's just gross.

This real life doll thing is just creepy. Honestly. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Some of these girls wear this stuff day in and day out. Those big, unnatural, creepy contacts are the absolute worst. This whole thing screams "I like pedophiles." Ick.

 Then there's the side shaved head. This whole idea is disgusting. It's not cute on any-bod-y! And the growing out of this soon to be realized ugly mess has a real resemblance to the second picture down. It's just not cute at all, at any point in time. The ones of you who have this get some extensions or a wig and grow it out and everybody else just don't. It needs to end like yesterday.

Korean trends are huge with the whole kpop thing being hot. Japanese and korean gimmicks have always been big in america. They pander to the desperate as you will see in my sporadic examples below.
This example is some sort of waterproof panty cover that stops the pee from leaking outside. Must be kinda squishy in there and I guarantee you still smell like those people who randomly smell like urine constantly. I'm guessing incontinence is the reason. Enjoy your youth people.

Again another eastern gimmicky beauty product that took off on Pinterest and has been popular ever since with many recreations by other cheaper asian companies. This brand is Kailijumei and they have a few gimmicky products but this little gem is a a clear "jelly" lipstick with a flower and glitter inside. It changes from clear to one of four colors depending on the flower you got sent to you. The craziest thing about this is that you don't even get to pick the color. So for $30 you're pretty likely to get a color that doesn't look good on you like that ugly orange. Bleck!
Color changing lipsticks have been a longtime gimmick. Some are even changed by your body temperature and sold as mood lipstick. If you like the idea of crazy colors showing up randomly without warning go for this one.

This lip tattoo trend was so gross looking on the majority of women. It peeled off starting from the inner corners and inside of lips and flaked and dried your lips out and made them all wrinkly looking. This along with the fact that it's designs are usually not flattering on anybody makes for a fad that I'm glad is in the sale bin.

This one step blush and bronzer contouring is weird and can only make you look streaky and like you have two random powdery stripes on your cheeks. Let's not be lazy. You don't need to ve a makeup artist or know a million techniques to take five min to do your makeup if make up is what you want to wear.

This was a good concept that should have stayed a concept. The idea looks weird in the ad. The colors are placed weirdly and in real life every review I read said the colors didn't even show up but that was the least of this messes problems. 

This thing doesn't work even on the most barely dry feet. Waste of money that everyone has one of.

These face brushes are expensive, gimmicky, fads. You can do a better job with your hands, a washcloth or a sponge.

Asian bubbling clay face mask. Sounds like too many chemicals on my face.

These breast enlargement pills have been around for decades. Thousands of different pills have been made and none work. Don't risk your health for bigger tits. You're beautiful the way you are. Waste your money on anything else. You're better off burning your money honestly.

Asian face exerciser.

Breast lifters. Seriously? If your bra can't offer permanent lift these weird as mofos can't either. Please say not one of these sold lol.

A voice trainer. Again an eastern gimmick.

Nose straightener.

Thigh thinners. At least they are cute thigh highs but I promise you that's all they are good for.

These ugly things should have never been a fad. Burn them all.

Hipster anything is usually so played out but these overgrown hipster beards are just groas, stinky, and dirty looking. At least trim it. It's kinda like dudes not wanting to.go down on a beard down there. No one wants to feel a pile of pubes when they're making out.

Super high waisted jeans of any kind look horrid on literally everybody. No one can pull this look off and it's slowly turning into a mom jean fad. Gross. We gave away our nineties clothes because we were embarassed by them. Please follow our lead and possibly burn them to break the cycle?

Over contouring but more specifically clown contouring. You're not a makeup artist, you won't pull this off and you will literally look like a clown with a thick layer of cheap makeup on yourself. Let's leave this to the professionals please.

Strobing. Good for photography but please don't go out in the real world like this. It's not cute and it will look like a kindergartener got obsessed and did your makeup with something shiny. Not pretty. You just look greasy. A little highlight goes a long way.

Lip art. Great for photography, not for leaving the house. Even for a party. Just don't. It's creepy.

Eye shadow press on tattoos. Not cute. At all.

Extreme dieting for an unnatural thigh gap. If you're above the age of eleven and don't naturally have one don't try for one. Anorexia is a real diaease that kills and you can develop this mental illness. Men don't like this anyway. "girl pretty". Boys and men like a nice ass and tits and muscular or shapely legs. They don't like anorexics unless they are abusive pedophiles that need someone they can control 

Plastic surgery. Ass, tit, lip, etc. Implants and eye lifts, nose jobs, labiaplasty, etc. We have condoned and aspired after this unachievable look for far too long. It's not possible to naturally look this way. It's hurting our young girls from extremely young ages and permanently affecting our teens and women and causing low self esteem and most dangerously extreme dieting, sleeping around to feel sexy, loved and accepted by the opposite sex, men having too high of expectations for our women and girls and extreme dieting and mental illness such as depression, body dysmorphic disorder, anxiety and sometimes suicide. We need to stop glorifying this body type and start glorifying the real, healthy and beautiful women. If we all band together this can happen.

Fat shaming. You don't care about their health you're just beimg mean because of your own insecurities. Some people cant just lose the weight and have medical issues they can't control and you're comments and comstant shaming and unacceptance can cause.Extreme depression, even lower self esteem, self mutilation and abuse and sometimes suicide. Let's care for each other. Not hurt one another. It's easier to be hurtful but feels much better to stick up for the underdog who needs help. Be the friend you would want someone to be to you. We can change the world if we all stop the bullying ,especially online.

Trolling is bullying. It hurts others and causes extreme pain and mental anguish. It's wrong. There's no difference in trolling and bullying.
A bully:
Says hurtful things for a reaction
Exerts emotional control over another by being hurtful
Despite knowing someone is mentally in trouble or emotionally scarred and on the edge of doing something horrible like killing themselves they continue.
They say things like "go kill yourself", "you're so ugly.", etc. To invoke a painful feeling in another and so much more. 
Allowing these usually faceless monsters to continue to hurt, scar and kill our children, teens and adults. 
If you get trolled ignore them no matter what they say. Invoking a response is what they love for. If we all stop responding they will go away but we all have to work together to stop these injustices. 
These last few are horrible fads that started with the internet and have only gotten worse and it will continue to get worse and take lives if we don't do the right thing. Please be a good friend and stick up for those who need it. Don't hang up on someone just to fit in. You make much more lf an impression being the nice person.

As always check out the rest of my posts and add me on Pinterest @callowayelizabeth twitter @snowbunnybeth90, subscribe and plus one and share this and more posts.

Love always,
My next tutorial will be up in twenty four hours or less and will be on the look above using the too faced bon bons palette or matte browns.if you want to use similar colors. Stay tuned and plrase comment and request. Xo

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