Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My teeth whitening regimen and how Colgate Optic White Works.

My Teeth Whitening Regimen Ft. Colgate.                  Optic White Toothpaste. 

This is what i use to whiten my teeth. Teeth whitening strips are great for immediate results but for most you're not going to be able to afford or even want to use them constantly as it is pricy and if you're like me they make your teeth uber sensitive and almost painful. I do use them from time to time and would recommend them for serious stain removal but for me and those with light stainage and upkeep this regimen is cheap and works well and only adds one short step to what you already should be doing. 
Now to be clear and honest i received this toothpaste sample complementary for reviewing purposes but everything i say or write is my opinion alone and i was not paid otherwise for my opinions. 
  Now let me tell you what the regimen is and then i will get into my opinions on why i use these specific products. 
First you need to floss your teeth. You can always floss after brushing to if you wish, but it is imperative you floss before brushing to loosen the plaque between your teeth that is all too often the cause of infections and bad breath. It's a misconception that bad breath comes from your stomach. I believe that is only with halitosis and you dont have halitosis just because you have bad breath. Your problem is most likely not flossing and the smell of plaque stuck between your teeth for days only being replaced by more plaque if you don't floss. It also yellows your teeth and thats why you notice a slight yellowing in between and around teeth first before the rest of your teeth stain. 
 For this i use Oral B Complete Satin Floss. I use this because i prefer a waxed floss and this is even smoother than most waxed floss while still being cost effective. It also has cute blue sparkly packaging lol. If it hurts you may need a smoother floss but honestly if brushing and flossing hurt a bit or theres blood when your brush and floss its because you have gingivitis which can only be cured by continuing brushing and flossing. Just make sure you're not going to hard. There's no need to. It may sound backwards to continue something that causes a little blood but i promise it's foe the best and it will stop and your gingivitis will heal if you continue. I know because I've been through it. 
 Next you brush your teeth as normal. Recently i have been using Colgate Optic White Toothpaste that i received to test. I really like that it's not ridiculously expensive but also gives my mouth and teeth that super clean feeling for longer than most. All while not being too harsh in the taste department. It is of course minty and leaves a fresh breath taste and scent but it doesn't leave a taste that ruins orange juice and everything else you want to eat or drink for hours while still being capable to keep your mouth clean and fresh for hours. 
 I wouldn't attribute any serious whitening to this toothpaste to be honest. I think it works wonderfully for upkeep but i wouldn't purchase it for whitening alone. 
 The serious whitening comes from the use of peroxide. Did you know peroxide is the main ingredient in whitening strips? As well as whitening toothpastes that don't utilize baking soda instead?
It works wonders, has no taste, kills all the bacteria in your mouth and whitens quickly and efficiently. 
 All you have to do is rinse your toothbrush after brushing and pour enough peroxide on your brush to cover all the bristles. Then just brush your teeth like normal. I brush everywhere to keep cavities and bacteria away but i focus mostly on my front teeth and brush them twice as long as the rest of my mouth. You can do this for as long as you can stand for instant results within a couple days or just brush for 30 seconds to a minute like normal and just do that 2 to 3 times a day when you brush your teeth for upkeep and still fast whitening. 
Now here's where the major difference is and this step is very important. Spit the excess peroxide bubbles out of your mouth but DO NOT RINSE. The tiny bit of peroxide and bubbles need to stay in your mouth for as long as possible without being washed away to continue whitening. The best thing to do is not eat or drink for a minimum of a half hr to an hr after brushing and preferably not at all before bed so it can sit on your teeth all night. 
And that is it. The entire process. With peroxide you will feel bubbles but there will be no taste. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog and have found something useful here. Honestly, the toothpaste and floss dont matter as long as it's a whitening toothpaste and a floss that's comfortable for you. 

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