Sunday, August 21, 2016

90s trends we all hate that we loved!

  1990s Fashion we all hate to love!

So in the above pic we have many fashions all in one. This is most likely a rave since raves were all the rage! Let's see how many we can point out from these sexy trendsetters above. 
 We all loved the cheap one cent asian paper fan. I'm pretty sure all of us owned at least ten throughout our school years. They hung on our walls and the walls of our parents along with those creepy porcelain drama faces.

 Next up we have these weird uniboob halter crop tops. Usually with some brand name in small lettering. This is very unflattering to even the hottest body. Now don't get me wrong, the hottest body can pull off anything but when it comes to having a uniboob and not you should probably shoot for the ladder because even your best strapless bra won't save you here. Usually because you werent wearing one and your nips and girls were just flopping everywhere because there were two tiny ties at the back of the neck and back to hold those puppies in place. I guess it looked ok on the "heroin chic" girls with no tits:

 Next we have the sweater around the hips. Why was this the sexy thing to do? Why would you want to hide that perfect teen bodonkadonk that you only get to enjoy perfection from for a very small amount of time. Don't worry, this wasn't the only place to wear your sweater that you didnt intend to wear anytime soon. More about that later.

And the preppy version leftover from the 80s:

 We also have the butterfly clips in random places, usually mirroring each other as shown in the girls hair on the right. Why did we love doing this girls? Why was looking like a two year old all the rage.

This was also seen in the pigtails that everyone wore. Usually braided in the three strand braid.

Then we have the not quite high waisted, not yet into low rise pants phase with super short tees that you would think of as crop tops now but were worn as regular tees because they actually did hit the top of your pants, thats how high your pants were t shirt. Cutting your torso short and making your legs look unnaturally long with that short torso look. Now how could this go out of style again?

Then we have all the "candy." Usually a raver term, but for the 90s turned mainstream term for bracelets. Usually neon or black. These were usually handmade and beaded and looked like this.

While we are talking about candy let's not forget the sex bracelets. You got un trouble because your parents found out what they meant when they only meant that when someone was making a joke. Jokingly these all had meaning per each color but it was never serious and all candy was traded between friends, especially handmade candy.

 These ones connected meant stuff. See the 69?

On the topic of jewelry let's not forget the best friend broken heart necklace, anklet, bracelet, key chain, etc. Pretty sure the 90s is where this fad really got hot and took a turn for more different bff jewelry.

Nylon book covers. We all had them.

Not you? Then this paper bag to draw on was all you.

Some of us even sucked on pacifiers. Got in trouble from my teacher, the school called home and my mom asked me if I was doing exctasy because that's what they used so they didn't grind their teeth. Needless to say I didnt wear or suck on that light up paci again. It didn't mean that to us kids but I didn't want to be taken the wrong way by anyone. I had a hard enough time in school.

Next we have streaky highlights for girls and frosted tips for boys. Now that's just ugly to most and would onlu happen during a home hair accident but yes most of us strived for this at one point or another.

We also had the crazy tennis ball Airwalk shoes. They literally looked and felt like tennis balls:

And flannel shirts:

Braces with colored and multi colored rubber bands were sexy and cute somehow:

And while we are on the subject let's not forget one of our fav cartoons BraceFace, going along with how cool they were then (not going to get too much into 90s tv shows here. Thats for another post.)

But let's just be nostalgic about one commercial. Smokey The Bear. He taught us so much:

Next topic we have D.A.R.E and D.A.R.E tees:

Next we have the spikey pixie with flat centered bangs gelled down behind the ears. This was not just a few people. Girls thought this look was hot. This was also the time of the stick straight hair, the girls boy haircut (not girly enough for a pixie), two tiny, long, centered pieces right next to each other bit on opposite sides of the center of the face, the racheal, boys spiky hair, boys long center part hair and more.

Boys also loved wearing their hats and visors backwards. Lots of boys wore their visors upside down and backwards but girls loved visors too.

Really. Saggy. Pants. Yuck.

Birkenstock shoes, air walks, doc Martin's, air jordan high ankle, k swiss. This covers shoes from all the group's from preppy to gangster.

Girls loved headbands.

Boys loved button ups tucked in. And button up bowling shirts.

Polos untucked.

Wide legged, saggy jeans like jincos.

Shorts that were basically high water lants.

These sunglasses for girls and boys.

These makeup trends. 

Kriss kross clothing (wearing clothes backwards.)

All of these hats.


Mens facial hair:

Parachute pants:

Facial piercings started gaining popularity along with tattoos:

Grunge hair:

Grunge no fear tees:

Oh and those paper event wrist bands, usually neon, we all disgustingly wore those for weeks. Don't deny it. Along with trucker hats for girls. Both in the pic above the title.
Girls also wore their shorts totally unbuttoned and unzipped and folded over slightly at the beach. Always jean shorts (not pictured, but you can picture it.) You know we all loved these looks and thought the members of the opposite sex and more often than not starting in the 90s the same sex, very sexy wearing these styles. 

If you think of anymore let me know and let's be nostalgic together :)

Pinterest @callowayelizabeth twitter @sbowbunnybeth90

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